Calm in the Birth Room Hypnobirthing Course
26 short easy to follow modules that you can use anywhere!
In addition to these modules also includes...
- The popular Calm in the Birth Room Cheat Sheet Bundle
- Hypnobirthing MP3 relaxations
- Downloadable and Printable Affirmations
- Membership of the private Facebook Group where you can ask questions, seek support and cheer others on!
Your Instructor
Hi, my name is Becky. I live in Yorkshire with my husband, three children and too many pets to mention in a short bio! I spent most of my adult life working as a first responder for the emergency services until hypnobirthing my 3rd baby when I was 36 years old. The fabulous birth I experienced inspired me to retrain as a hypnobirthing practitioner and hypnotherapist. This has now been my full time job for 7 years and I absolutely LOVE it!. A year ago I created Boost Your Hypno Biz where I help other hypnobirthing practitioners and hypnotherapists to build their businesses by sharing the things that have worked so well for me since my business began. Happy hypno-ing!
Becky X
Course Curriculum
StartHypnobirthing and the Birth Process
StartInternal examinations (or not).
StartRight, that's it, I'm going home!
StartAwkward Conversations.
StartWhat if I want all the drugs?
StartYour non medical pain relief options.
StartWhere would you like to give birth?
StartSplish splash!
StartEasy Birthing Positions
StartWhat if my baby is breech or back to back?
StartTearing, what you can do to help yourself.
StartCreating a good Birth Environment.
StartCreating Anchors
StartBirth affirmations
StartDue dates and induction (or not)
StartNatural induction?
StartHow can I help you? (Birth partners role)
StartWhat do I need? (for hospital, home or birth centre birth).
StartLabour or trapped wind? Should I call?
StartUnexpected twists and turns.
StartCaesarean Hypnobirth
StartFailure to progress.
StartWriting your birth plan.
StartAnd finally...